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How to heat up?

Remove the transparent bowls for reheating. The contents of the bowls must be added to the dish after heating.


Oven: Remove the transparent foil from the dish and preheat the oven to 110 degrees Celsius. Fill a small ovenproof container with a little water (approx. 1-2 dl) Place the dish and the container in the oven for approx. 30 minutes.

Steamer: Remove the transparent foil from the dish. Use the regeneration function at 95 degrees Celsius and heat for approx. 25 minutes.

Pan: Heat the pan on a medium heat, add the food and heat it, stirring occasionally, until it is hot through and through. Reduce the heat if necessary to prevent burning.

Microwave: Prick the foil several times with a fork and heat the dish at 600 watts for 3-4 minutes.

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Tom Tasty AG

Zürcher Seitan Geschnetzeltes Low carb

Zürcher Seitan Geschnetzeltes Low carb

Seitan Geschnetzeltes mit Champignon Rahmsauce, dazu Broccoli und Karotten

Portionsgrösse 440 g

Nährwertangaben pro Portion / 100 g

  • Energie: 0 kJ / 0 kcal ; 0 kJ / 0 kcal
  • Eiweiss: 0 g / 0
  • Fett: 0 g / 0
  • Kohlenhydrate: 0 g / 0
  • Zucker: 0 g / 0
  • Gesättigte Fettsäuren: 0 g / 0


coming soon

*aus biologischem Anbau

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